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Do WDU need i ns t ruct i ons ( Yes/No ) ? YFi'S 

This pro?:s5ram simulates a trip over the Oregon Trail from 
I n d e F e n d e n c e v M i s s o u v i p t o 0 e s-? o n C i t \d ^ 0 r e o n i n 1 8 4 7 <• 
Your famil*.:i! of five will cover the 2000 mile Ore^-fon Trai! 
in "5-6 months • If you make it alive* 

You had saved $900 for the tripy and ^jou^ve Just 
paid $200 for a wa^on* 

You fAfill need to spend the rest of your money on the 
f ol lowin5r-f items * 

Oxen You can spend $200 -$300 on your team* 

T h e m o r e y o u s p e n d ? t h e f a s t e r y o u ^ 1 1 o y 
because you'll have better animals* 

Food - The more you have? the less chance there 
is of sfettin^ sick* 


$1 buys a belt of 50 bullets* 
You will need bullets for attacks by 
animals and bandits? and for hunting f^ md* 

ClothiniS This is especially important for the cold 
weather you'll encounter when crossing 

Miscellaneous Supplies This includes medicine and 
other thini^s you'll need for sickness 
and emergency repairs* 

You c a n s p e vt d b 1 1 o u m o n e y b e f o r e \:i o u s t a v t y o u r t r i p 
or you can save some of your cash to spend at forts alons? 
the way when you run low* However? items cost more at 
the forts* You can also huntinis alonj^ the way to .^et 
more food* 

Whenever you have to use your trusty rifle alon^ the way? 
you will see the words 'Type Ban*-!' The faster you type 
the word 'Ban^isf' and hit the return key? the better 
luck you'll have with your ^un* 

At each turn? all the items you own are shown in dollar 
amounts (Except bullets) 

When asked to enter money amounts? don't use a '$'!! 
Good luck ! ! ! ! ! 

How much do you want to spend 
How much do you want to spend 
How much do you want to spend 
How much do you want to spend 
How much do you want to spend 
After all you purchases? you 

on your Oxen Te3m?250 
on food?25 
on ammuni t i on?80 

on clothin^^??70 

on m i see 1 1 aneous supp 1 i es?70 
now have 205 dollars left* 

Monday? March 29 9 1847 

Total milea,^© is 0 

F'ood Bullets Clothin*^ Hisc* Sufp* Cash 

25 4000 70 70 205 
D o w a u w a n t to < .1 ) H u n t v o r ( 2 ) C o n t i n u a ? 2 

Do \^ou want to eat (1) Poorli:^ (2) Hoderatel^j 
or (3) weH?2 

Hail storm SuFplies damaged * 
Monday? April 12? 1847 

You'd better do some hunting or buy food SOON!!!! 
Total mileage is 196 

F' o o d u 1 1 e t s Clothing M i s c « S u f p * C a s h 

7 3800 70 64 205 

Do you want to (1) Stop at the next fort? (2) Hunt? or <3) Continue?2 
Tb'pe banEfJ BANG 

R i ^ h t b e t w e e n t h e e ^ e s Y o u m o t a b x £^ o n e ! ! ! 

Watch your calories tonii^ht!!! 

Do you want to eat (1) Poorly <2) Moderately 

or <3) well?2 

Bandits attack 

Type ban<^J BANG 

You «U:)t shot in the lesi and they took one oxen* 
You'd better have a Doc' look at your le^« 

Monday 9 Ap r i 1 26 y 1 847 

The Doc's bill is $20* 
T o t B 1 m i 1 e a e i s 3 6 6 

Food Bullets Clothini^ Misc* Supp* Cash 

44 3749 70 59 185 

Do you want to (1) Hunt? or (2) Continue?2 
Do you want to eat (1) Poorly Co2> Moderately 
or (3> well?2 

R i d e r s a h e a d « T h e y 1 o o k h o s t i 1 e « ^ 

Tactics? ^ 

(1) Run (2) Attack (3) Continue (4) Circle wa^-^ons* 

If you run? you'll r^ain time? but wear down your oKen* 

If you circle wasSons? you'll lose time^ 


Type ban^t BANG 

Nice shootin<^ — You drove them off!! 

i d e r s w e r e h o s t i 1 e - C ^^ e c k f o r 1 o s s e s * 
WasJon breaks down - Lose time and supplies fi^ins? it* 

Monday 3» May 10 y 1847 

Total milea<sle is 551 

FcJdd Bullets Clothiti^ MiW* Smpp* C^sfi 

26 3629 70 51 IBS 

Do y&y .mmnt to fit at the ne^t fortj' (2) Hyfitf i^) Coritinm^^ 

Enter wh#t ^mi ^imh %Q «P#nd on the following* 
Food? 5 


C lot hin5-^?0 

M i see 1 1 aneous supp 1 i es?20 

Do you want to eat <1) Poorly (2) Moderately 
or (3) well?2 

Hail storm Supplies dama^^^ed* 
Monday? May 24? 1847 

You'd better do some huntinsf or buy food SOON!!!! 
Total mileage is 694 

Food Bullets Clot hind Misc* Supp* Cash 

11 3S29 70 57 157 

Do Hou want to <1) Huntir or (2) Continue?! 

T^:^pe barij^l BANG 

R i ^ h t b e t w e e n t h e e e s - - - Y o u d o t a b :i. 5^ o n e ! ! ! 
Watch your calories tonis^ht!!! 
Do ^iou want to eat <1) Poorli:^ (2) Mode rate 1*:^ 
or <3) we:U.?2 

ffiders ahead* They look hostile* 

(1) Run (2) Attack (3) Continue <4) Circle wa^ilons* 

If you run 9 you'll! ^ain time? but wear down your oxen* 

If you circle wagons? you'll lose time* 


Type ban^-u' BAN(5 

Nice shoot in^^ — - You drove them off! ! 
Riders were hostile - Check for losses* 
Bad illness Medicine used* 

Monday y June 7 ? 1 84 7 

Total milea<^e is 849 

Food Bullets CI oth in:ii^ Misc* Supf* Cash 

49 3398 70 S2 157 

Do you want to (1) JStop at the next fort? <2) Hunty or <3) Continue?3 
B o y o u w a n t t o e a t < 1 ) P o o r 1 \a ( 2 ) M o d e r a t e 1 y 
or <3) well?2 

Unsafe water Lose time looking for clean sprint* 
R u e d m o u n t a i n s « 

You i^-Jot lost ^ Lose valuable time trying to find trail!! 
Blizzard in mountain pass* Time and supplies lost* 

Monday? June 21? 1847 

You'd better do some huntinsi or buy food SOON!!!! 

T o t a 1 m i 1 e a d e i s 9 5 0 * 

Food Bullets Clothinsf Misc* Supp* Cash 

6 3098 70 42 157 

Do you want to <1) Hunt? or <2) Continue?! 

Type ban^t BANG 

Rii-^ht between the eyes You ^ot a bi«J one! ! ! 

Watch your calories tonis^ht! I ! 

Do you want to eat <1) F'oorly <2) Moderately 

or (3) well?2 

Mil d i 1 1 ness - Medicine used * 

RusJ*3ed mountains* 

The sJoinsf ^ets slow*** 

Monday? July S? 1847 

Total mileage is 1051 

Food Bullets Clothing Misc* Supp* Cash 

44 3086 70 40 157 

Do you want to <1) Stop at the next fort? (2) Hunt? or (3) Continue?! 
Enter what you wish to spend on the followini^* 



M i see 1 1 aneous supp 1 i es?40 

Do you want to eat <1) Poorly (2) Moderately 
or (3) well?2 

Ok injures lesi Slows you down rest of trip* 

Ru?.tf <^ed mount a i ns * 

The ?-loin«J j^lets slow*** 

Monday? July 19? 1847 

Food Bullets Clothings tMisc* Supf* Cash 

29 3252 70 66 107 ^ 

Do *:mu want to <1) Hunt? or (2) CDrftiriu©?2 f 
po you want to est (1) Poorl^^ (2) Hoderately ^ 
or (3) w©ll?2 

Hail storm Supplies dsmasled* 

fl u .^j e d m o u r i t a :i. n s « 

The ^^oin*^ «^ets slow*** ^ 
Honday? August 2? 1847 

You'd better do some huntins^ or bu*:f food SOON!!!! 
Total mileage is 1243 

Food E^ullets Clothini^ Hisc* Supp* Cash 

11 3052 70 61 107 

Do Mou want to (1) Stop at the next forty (2) Hunt?? or (3) ContinMt?2 
Tvjpe barii^J BANG 

RisSht between the e^es — ^You dot a bid on©!!! 
W a t c h o u r c a 1 o r i e s t o n i d h t ! ! ! 
Do ^:^ou want to eat (1) Poorlvj (2) Moderately 
or (3) well?2 

Mild illness - Medicine used* 
R u d d e d m o u n t a i n s * 

The doind dets slow*** ^ 
H o n d a y ? A u d u s t 1 6 y 1 8 4 7 
Total mileage is 1338 

Food Bullets Clothind Misc* Supp* Cash 

45 3041 70 59 107 _ 

D o y o u w a n t t o < 1 ) H u n t ? □ r ( 2 ) C o n 1 1 n u e ? 2 
Do you want to eat <1) F'oorly (2) Moderately 
or (3) well?2 

Ok injures le?;^ - Slows you down rest of trip* 

Rudded mount a i ns ♦ ^ 
The doind dets slow*** ^ 

Monday? August 31? 1847 

Total mileage is 1424 

Food Bullets Clothind Misc* Supp* Cash 

27 3041 70 59 107 . 

Do you want to (1) Stop at the next fortr (2) Hunt? or <3) Continye?2 
Type band* BANCS 

Nice shot! Ridht thru the neck -Feast tonidht!! 

Do you want to eat <1) Poorly (2) Moderately 

or <3) well?2 

Wild animals attack! 

Type band? BANO 

N i ce shoot i nd pa r dne \ They d i dn ^ t de t much * 

Monday y September 13 y 1847 
Total mileade is 1582 

Food Bullets Clothind Misc* Supp* Cash 

37 2985 62 59 107 

Do you want to <1) Hunt? or <2) Continue?2 
Do you want to eat (1) Poorly (2) Moderately 
or (3) well?2 

Bad illness - Medicine used* 
Monday ? Sep tembe r 2 7 ? 1 84 7 
T o t a 1 mileade i s 1 7 7 6 

Food Bu 1 lets C loth i nd Misc* Sufp * Cash 

19 2985 62 54 107 

Do you want to (iV Stop at the riBX-Ci^n^^tTl^r^ 
Tv^pe ban.^.t BANG 

FUsilht between the enes- You <^ot a bij^ one!!! 

Watch your calories ton:L<-^ht!!! 
Bo *;^ou want to eat (1) Poorly (2) Moderately 
or (3) well?2 
Bandits attack 
Type ban?;.?? BANG 

Quickest draw outside of Dod^e City!!! 
You ?.-lot 'em 

Monday? October ills' 1847 
T o t a 1 in i 1 e a e i s 1 9 2 9 

Food Bullets Clothin<-S Misc* Supp* Cash 

57 2952 62 54 107 

Co you want to (1) Hunt? or <2) Continue?2 
Do you want to eat <1) Poorly (2) Moderately 
or <3) well?3 
R u f-^ ^ e d m o u n t a i n s * 

You slot lost Lose valuable time tryin*^ to find trail!! 

You finally arrived in Ore^^on City! ! ! 
After 2040 lons-^ miles - Hooray!!! 

Friday October 22 1847* 

Food Bullets Clothinsi Mlsc# Supp* Cash , , 

38 2952 62 54 107 

President James K* Polk sends you his 

heartiest cons^ratulations y ^ 

and wishes you a prosperous life ahead 

at your new hoivie*